Lou Hobhouse Bridge School & Club
Friendly Bridge for Friendly People
Northern Cyprus, October 2023
7 or 10 nights including breakfast and dinner from £1,650
The perfect break for anyone yearning for a relaxed holiday in the sun with fun people and plenty of good social bridge. Lou Hobhouse, teacher of the great and the good, will be giving her inspiring lessons most mornings from 9.30-11am and there will be gently competitive games after supper. There will always be spare partners for anyone coming on their own. There will be a couple of outings, including a boat trip with lunch, as well as our day out in Kyrenia playing cafe bridge. Other trips will be available through the hotel. Where? We’ll be based at the Korineum Hotel, 20 minutes east of Kyrenia and its historic port, close to the spectacular 1,000 year-old Buffavento Castle. The hotel has its own private beach, tennis courts, pool, walking trails and a great golf course.